Life app. Bible-

Unbelief and rejection breaks God's heart, because He knows the consequences. But when the door of the human heart is shut, He refuses to enter forcibly. He will only knock, wanting to gain admittance. He has given us the ability to choose. But when we choose the wrong thing, He knows the repercussions that will follow—in this life and the one to come.

I can sit in a wheelchair with hope and joy...ask me why! ........

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

why we read our Bible!

Psalm 40 -2- He also brought me up out of a horrible pit,
Out of the miry clay,
And set my feet upon a rock,
And established my steps.
Psalm 40 ********* John MacArthur teaching is really down to earth and clear as a bell. myths about salvation.... ***********Grace to you******** *********links do not work so copy and paste..sorry still learning how to work this blog!


Ramblingon said...

I am too Nancy but luckily I know my Bible and while my Bible Study group is presently in Revelations, still..I know what you are saying, and blessings, Nancy.

Greg said...

Good evening Nancy,

I am still tinkering here at Blogger. Learning the ropes I guess you could say...

Oh my where would we be without His recorded word for us...Whoa Nellie!!!

Gerry Adams said...

Hi Nancy, To make links in the Blogger post editor, you just use your mouse button to highlight the words you want to make into a link, and then click the link icon at the top of the post editor and paste in the URL that you want them to link to. If you you are using Windows Live Writer, the links should copy in as links. :)

nacotaco said...

Gerry! it worked, it worked!! it looks like it doubles the link but when you publish it only shows 1 link..thank you Gerry! I never would have figured this out! Greg Carole Gerry love it when you stop by, when I hear something that unscrambles my mind from what I was taught, it is so good just to hear "the truth of the word" and their are lots of confused people like me who may not know, so I have to say something =]!

Lisa said...

I have to tell you I got your email . I can not even thank you enough. I m very humbled that you would take that time Nancy . I spent along time in prayer after , looking up so many things and still trying to come to terms with everything . The road is hard at time I have to be honest and today seems light . You have been a gift to me . I want you to know that.
Thank you . Wishing you a wonderful day.

Here I Am Carrie said...

Hi Nancy, How wonderful to find so many friends here. I am still learning the ropes here also. Just arrived. You have a wonderful site here. Its all so new for me. Hugs and take care

nacotaco said...

Carrie and Lisa! the neighborhood is surely coming together! You guys don't understand, God has given me brethren to talk and listen too [Joe, Greg, Gerry, Carole, Kerrie, Nita, Nina....etc, you are my gift ...being apart of a Church is difficult with my circumstances so God has brought the Church to me!

Lisa said...

Hi Nancy, I do understand this . Boy do I ever. I havent been to church in a few years . I too believe that God put us all together for a reason and that is to withness to each other , learn from each other . I have learned a great deal from you, from Greg, and the list goes on. I wont stop learning . Sometimes I dont understand it all yet my heart knows . Its when I get into my heard about it all . Faith is the building block for me , reading my bible , looking for his words and works where ever I go.
So Nancy I cant see myself going to Church as long as I keep going the way Im going. Really and honestly it does not get better than sharing , learning, listening and opening my heart with you all. Thanks . I know you cant get to church. You a very strong Lady Nancy I do know that in my heart and soul. Thanks for taking the time to write and send me links that helped me so much the other day when I thought I was breaking. I may seem to break and bend and then I spring up in his words when he leads me in stillness , quite and that Peace that only he can give.
Have a wonderful day, and weekend. Stay cool down south.

nacotaco said...

Hi Lisa, I do go to Church but my husband is "forced" to go since I am not driving. He feels that church friends are only to be seen at socializing is difficult....It is important my kids grow up in the church hearing about God Jesus and the Bible and TCC does a wonderful Job! I prayed for a year to God to guide and direct me to the right Church..I did have some criteria "it had to be about Jesus" I knew I could not try different churchs... I was using a crutch then but still having to hang on to something firm...we ended up at TCC because we were too late for another Church....and it has been home ever since =]. The people are wonderful and they teach my kids "God Jesus and the Bible" is home to them and over 4 years now have only missed 1 Sunday, they wouldn't think of missing! When I go I have never yawned, gotten tired....matter of fact it gives me time to pray about Pastors the band and my church family and many of my msn friends come to mind! I would never have gone to Church 8 years ago.....cept when I had Jaylee, she came early 3lbs 10oz and NICU birth defects surgery...I had a cesarian,,,it was a mess, I found out I was pregnant at 5 1/2 months and she came 2 months later....a song came on the radio in my car on the way home for 2 weeks straight after 9 pm after seeing her in NICU and I would cry all the way home ....I didn't know if Jelly was going to make it thru...that is when I started searching....I had come to the end of took 2 years of TV evangelists and another year of listening to one Pastor that had a church here in Tucson...God lead me to my Church and Eddie tho not ready to hear is ok with it.....and I am ecstatic to belong and be called "God's child"!!...I am praying for you Lisa, that God leads you home =].

Lisa said...

Hi Nancy,

Thanks once more for sharing with me right from you heart.

There are something's I have never really talked about in an open space but do feel that I need to want to share them with you. I was called to Jesus at a very young age. Maybe 10 or 11. At that time I wasn't sure what it was. So by the time I was around 14 I was sent to a school to live with the Nuns and other girls all ages. I have spent years going to church and at the time I was away I attended church 3 times a week and sometimes 4. After leaving and going back home I knew that was not my vocation and of course as I grew into a young women I was in high school having fun with the rest of the young people yet still being called back to Christ. So I have spent years of going to church and feel comfortable in one. Spent years going to church after being married in a RC church only to leave it and go to a another. I guess too I know my bible better than I thought and as I read so many things get affirmed. I was spared the pain of childbirth and God had a reason for that yet I turned my back on him while trying so hard and loosing 4 babies that I know of . I think there was more but cant say for certain so my gift from Christ came to me different. Its amazing what will bring us to our knees each and eveytime. Shawn was 7 months old when we first saw him and brough him home.. June Amanda was 3 days old when she was placed into my arms and both have never left to search for there roots..That is another story. That bring Psalm 139: 11 and on came in for me. That was big turning point for me.

The link you left here in Psalms was beautfiul to read and yet had me thinking deeply.

Also Nancy we really never are alone , even when at times we think we are. There are moments when I do feel along and that is human . But Christ is always one step in from of me and always behind me and with me even when I sleep and cant sleep at night . He is there to comfort me. He sends his Holy Sprit to minister me when I ask , he brings me peace , so much peace . Nothing on earth feels like it. God heals us where it be spiritually, physically ect. and it thought him and only thought him that we get our strength to keep on going , with the comfort that we are never along. We are not of this world . We belong to him. What a Blessing.

You have been a great blessing to me Nancy . I would not have shared this with just anyone or anyplace as I feel that this is part of my personal Joruney in life. I will continue to seek his words and works always and forever.

I pray you have a wonderful day. I ve cleaned a little this morning and now I need to get outside and cut my grass once again before the active weather hits us again tonight.

One YouTube worked.. Nelly and one I cant view because I live in Canada. Funny how some are restricted.

Gods plan for you is perfect as he has it all layed out for you. Thank him for not loosing you child and I know that you do.

Hope to stop by again soon Nancy .


Lisa said...

I also wanted to tell you since my Mom passed away I do have panic attacks and sometimes it takes me awhile to get it under my control and usually its by prayer and it can take a full day. I have never shared this as its just part o who I am. These I believe are going to be and are lessons for me to learn from and I have . Panic is not eacy to deal with but I do manage it and getting better all the time. It is only though Prayer that I can settle down to think and function right again. Stupid but true.. Maybe not stupid because the Christ gives up many things to give us strength , in all sizes and shapes and he contiues to work in my life calling me by name.

Hugs to you this Sunny Day.

nacotaco said...

prayer clears my mind to Lisa...the name "Jesus" always has my full attention whether uttered by me or someone else!