Life app. Bible-

Unbelief and rejection breaks God's heart, because He knows the consequences. But when the door of the human heart is shut, He refuses to enter forcibly. He will only knock, wanting to gain admittance. He has given us the ability to choose. But when we choose the wrong thing, He knows the repercussions that will follow—in this life and the one to come.

I can sit in a wheelchair with hope and joy...ask me why! ........

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Casting Crowns - Prayer For A Friend

I listened to this and it brings to mind 2 pages of people's names in my Bible..... SOME Family Church Family Friends MSN Friends....may you find no rest and no peace till you hear Jesus speaking to your heart ...


Unknown said...

thank you for this Nancy, it is very good. As I type I lift you up to the lord. God Bless - Nita

Joe said...

I'll not rest until Zion is formed in the church (Isaiah 62:1).

Lisa said...

I dont know why but I smiled when I read your words.
Amen to this and the stepping stones we each need to walk and sometimes carry along the way to get to Jesus , the Jesus that loves us for all we are and all wer are not. Leaning on him no matter what , why or who.
xo to you Nancy. Your love is unconditonal for so many and your heart belongs to him that walks with with me each step of the way.

nacotaco said...

Nita Joe glad you stopped by...I feel so at home here with so many church family walking with me. Each name I see is not a picture but words of their character and the life they are living....I like that about blogging because I can see your character....and the fruits of the spirit are peace love joy lovingkindess gentleness wisdom....that is what drew me to you =].

Dianne ... Walking In His Grace said...

Hi Nancy. I wanted to stop by and Wish You and your family a wonderful Christmas, as we celebrate Jesus, and all He has done for us. God Bless You.
Hugs, Dianne :)

Gerry Adams said...

Hi Nancy, I got your comment tonight, and yes we did have a nice Christmas and are doing fine. I hope you had a nice one too. Have a good week :)