Life app. Bible-

Unbelief and rejection breaks God's heart, because He knows the consequences. But when the door of the human heart is shut, He refuses to enter forcibly. He will only knock, wanting to gain admittance. He has given us the ability to choose. But when we choose the wrong thing, He knows the repercussions that will follow—in this life and the one to come.

I can sit in a wheelchair with hope and joy...ask me why! ........

Saturday, June 04, 2005

low day

Hi Bloggy long time no see!!!!!! Slow low day, swimming in quick sand I feel........mentally,
physically praying it ends soon. Wishing and wondering why it has to be this way......watching and waiting is all I`m fit to do......why......why????? I miss my sister, my family . Why this walk.........on a happy note, grandchild is here, born 5/28/05 9lbs 11ozs Aiden 4:30a.m. I`m too tired.....byebye

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